The latest Video Trends to get more views

Getting new views is the absolute best way to grow your channel. Participating in the latest Youtube Video Trends is crucial. This will help to get New Subscribers. New subscribers will often be other Youtubers that you can build a greater bond with. They will often become your biggest fans. You must make it a priority to always be on the look out for new Youtube Trends.

Here is a link to Youtube that will show you some examples The link

Youtube Video Trend: Let the person in front of you decide for you.

Simply go to a restaurant and say I will have what the person in front of me ordered. Then let your personality shine. Do about 3 restaurants in one day. Possibly pick new trendy restaurants that may also share your video. Finding content to record is always a struggle. Remember to post weekly on schedule and over time you will become a great Youtuber.